young woman and older woman hugging

Estate Strategies

Estate Planning: The Future Is Now

A distinctive wealth advisory relationship

We work with all kinds of people, located all across the United States and beyond. They’re individuals, couples, multi-generational families, business owners, executives, people going through major life changes, people pursuing big objectives.

Although they represent a diverse group, our clients share common attributes, and come to us in search of a distinct type of relationship.

Your estate plan is really about you—now. Once in place, it gives you immediate security that your wealth, values, and love for the people and causes in your life will endure for generations. With a solid estate plan, you know you’ve done everything you can now to ensure your wealth transfers smoothly.

We can help you with all of this. The Laird Norton Wetherby team helps you establish a plan where you control:

WHO gets your assets—whether you want them to go to children, family, causes, friends.

WHEN your assets are transferred—right away, when beneficiaries reach a certain age, after a life milestone, or as needed.

HOW you can be sure your wishes are carried out through the right legal instruments and exemplary management.

Are You Ready to Get Your Estate Plan in Order?

If you are a high-net-worth individual or family looking for investment advisory and/or trust services, please complete the following form, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

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