aunt and niece hugging

Estate Strategies

The future is now.

Design Your Legacy

Estate Planning for Multigenerational Wealth

Estate planning is really about you—now. Its function: To connect your past to your future, so the rewards of hard work and good fortune support what you care most about in life and beyond. 

The higher your net worth and the broader your estate, the more you will benefit from estate planning that is (1) truly comprehensive and (2) aligned with what you want to accomplish for yourself, family and community. 

At LNW, we partner with you to create, implement, and keep up-to-date an estate plan that turns your aspirations into reality.

Centered on you and yours

We start with what motivates you, how you view the world, and what you value most. 

Consulting with you, we delve into the details: Contingency planning (what happens if you become ill or incapacitated); estate tax planning at the federal and state level; input on key appointments such as executor, trustee, guardian for minor children; titling verification; advice on trust strategies and trust terms

Then we help you see how all this fits together. We diagram an optimized estate plan for you and your family, so you can see asset flows and ownership vehicles evolve over time to accomplish what you intend.

Your big picture will come into view, including: 

  • YOUR TOTAL BALANCE SHEET – A complete view of your assets and liabilities, risk exposure, potential new opportunities, and even the skills, capabilities and interests (the “human capital”) within your family.
  • TIMING – Which of your assets would transfer to whom, when, and via which mechanism/ vehicle — during or after your lifetime, when beneficiaries reach a certain age, after a life milestone, or as needed.
  • STRUCTURE – All the necessary legal documentation, including for a will, one or more trusts, perhaps an endowment, appointment of trustee(s), executor, guardian for minor children, power of attorney, etc. 

Throughout the planning stage and beyond, we work closely with your outside advisors – attorney(s), CPA(s), business partners, etc. — to make sure legal documents align with your asset base and intent. Our goal: leave no loose ends that can turn into future stumbling blocks, creating family tension or wasting time and resources.  

Your estate plan in action

In LNW, you have a partner that can carry out your wishes with objectivity and expertise in a multitude of ways: as executor of your estate, trustee, power of attorney, to confirm titling on assets and accounts, to manage the assets within trust(s), and to update all of this as your life evolves and laws and regulations change. 

The end result: You know that your wealth will transfer smoothly—when you choose—using the most effective mechanisms, including trusts, a foundation or endowment. The right estate plan can also maximize what the people and causes you love receive from you after taxes. Ultimately, your estate plan can create a legacy that stays relevant over many generations.

Keeping your legacy up-to-date

LNW experts on tax planning assess the potential impact of new laws and regulations on your estate plan, investments and any trusts we manage for you. When change presents timely opportunities, we will alert and advise you. We will also continue working with your attorney(s) and CPA(s) to integrate new possibilities for multi-generational wealth transfer into your estate plan.

We are here to help secure your whole future now.