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Tax Strategies

Wealth management that maximizes after-tax results.

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Investment, Income, Gift and Estate Tax Planning

Integrated Tax Planning: A Big-Picture View

Your taxes are complex enough. Shifting regulations and laws add to the complexity, making it difficult to assess where you could be more tax-efficient and how. Integrated tax planning at LNW can help optimize tax efficiency across your entire asset base by: 

  • Assessing your overall tax exposure in terms of income, capital gains, gift & estate taxes (at the federal and state levels)
  • Proposing strategies for increasing tax-efficiency in financial and investment accounts, existing and future trusts, your estate and legacy plans
  • Tracking how well current tax strategies are working and making adjustments if there are changes in tax laws, your asset holdings, needs or goals.

We work with your CPA(s) to make proactive recommendations for your circumstances, so that you are not caught off guard by what your assets and finances are generating in terms of taxes. That means you always have a tax strategy integrated into your wealth plan for:

  • Investment income
  • Capital gains
  • Gift taxes
  • Estate taxes

Make tax outcomes part of your integrated wealth plan

Portfolio building, wealth planning, trust and estate strategies — none of this happens most effectively in a vacuum. LNW tax experts — working closely with colleagues in investments, wealth planning and trust services — provide the tax guidance, analysis and strategies required to make your wealth plan as tax-effective as possible in line with your goals. Our aim is to drive better outcomes across your entire asset base, as well as your investment portfolio.

Envision a tax-optimized future

Tax strategies at LNW are consistently applied to enhance outcomes; they do not drive decision-making. That means your portfolio(s) may lean toward tax-exempt, tax-deferred or taxable investments depending on the long-term risk and return targets required to attain your goals. It is your vision for the future that drives the tax strategies embedded in your estate plan, not the other way around. The result is tax-efficiency on your terms and aligned with your goals.