How investment portfolios are managed during a highly turbulent or down market greatly determines net total return once a rebound happens. This certainly applies to managing t
Headlines discussed at LNWM’s Monday morning briefing: — The Fed said it will buy assets “in the amounts needed” to support the smooth functioning of U
There’s been a rush to safety in the past weeks, which has benefited US high-quality bonds and hurt US stocks. However, in this recent bond rally, Treasury bonds have perfor
The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has progressed to a level that few, if any, predicted just two weeks ago. While the impact on communities here and around the gl
Headlines discussed at LNWM’s Monday morning briefing: — The Federal Reserve cut its target interest to zero and announced $700 billion in gov’t bond purchas
At LNWM, we spend a lot of time developing and implementing impact investing strategies. We customize ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) screens for many of our client
With the right due diligence, impact investing can deliver financial returns and measurable social benefit. Read how the Laird Norton Family Foundation is taking deliberate st
Here’s a bit of March Madness for you: the yield on ALL Treasury bonds is now 1% or less. That’s right: the 10-year Treasury bond is now yielding below 0.6% and the 30-yea
Headlines discussed at LNWM’s Monday morning briefing: — The yield on 30-year Treasury bonds fell below 1% (to 0.85 basis points), a record low, as investors sough