— The Trump administration is expected to issue 100s of executive orders the week of Jan. 20, including on energy and environmental policy and immigration.
— U.S. consumer inflation is rising at a modest pace, with prices overall up 2.9% for the past 12 months; housing costs (close to 33% of the Consumer Price Index) are up 4.9% over the past year.
— Premiums for U.S. home insurance are 82% higher in the 20 zip codes with the highest risk, with premiums across the U.S. up 9% more than inflation 2018-2022, per U.S. Treasury Dept. study.
— Saudi Arabia will begin mining its deposits of lithium and other rare minerals/elements discovered in 2024, which boost the value of its mineral resources by more than $1 trillion.
— Lithuania said it will spend 5% of its GDP on the military, the first NATO and EU member to make the jump from 2%, citing the threat from Russia.
— The U.S. Federal Reserve exited a group of central banks working on financial regulations to combat climate change, citing expansion in the group’s focus.
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